#!/bin/bash cat >LICENSE.txt <<\EOF The GAATI Research Group Logo. Copyright (C) 2015, Gaetan Bisson. All rights reserved. Permission to use, copy, and/or distribute the GAATI Research Group Logo (hereinafter, "the logo"), as depicted by the files in this directory or in any other form, is hereby granted, provided that: 1. The logo has not been modified in any way. 2. There is no commercial intent behind the use. 3. The use actually refers to the GAATI Research Group. 4. It does not suggest approval by, sponsorship from, or affiliation with the GAATI Research Group. 5. Any copy or redistribution is subject to this very license. Condition 4 can be waived by obtaining explicit permission from the GAATI Research Group head. See the group website for contact information: https://gaati.org/ EOF TEX=texput.tex rm -f $TEX cat >>$TEX <<\EOF \documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage[french]{babel} \usepackage{beautiful} \usepackage{tikz} \usepackage{tkz-euclide} \usetikzlibrary{decorations.text} \pagestyle{empty} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \draw[thick,color=black] (0,0) circle (3.9); \begin{scope} \tkzDefPoint(0,0){O} \tkzDefPoint(3,0){P} \tkzClipCircle(O,P) EOF gp -fq >>$TEX <<\EOF { default(realprecision, 5); for(i=3,5, M=2*i; for(j=0,M-1, z=3*exp(2*I*Pi*j/M)*(1-1/i); printf("\\tkzDefPoint(%f,%f){p%i%i}\n", real(z), imag(z), i, j); ); for(j=0,M-1, printf("\\tkzDrawCircle[orthogonal through=p%i%i and p%i%i](O,P)\n", i, j, i, (j+1)%M); ); for(j=0,M-1, printf("\\tkzDrawPoints[color=black,fill=red,size=7](p%i%i)\n", i, j); ); ); } EOF cat >>$TEX <<\EOF \end{scope} \path[postaction={decorate,decoration={ raise=-0.3ex, reverse path, text along path, text align/center, text={|\LARGE\scshape\bfseries|laboratoire~~~de~~~mathématiques} }}] (10:3.4cm) arc (10:170:3.4cm); \path[postaction={decorate,decoration={ raise=-1.5ex, text along path, text align/center, text={|\LARGE\scshape\bfseries|de~~la~~polynésie~~française} }}] (190:3.4cm) arc (190:350:3.4cm); \node at (0,0) {\Huge$\boldsymbol{\mathbb{ G\mkern+0mu A\mkern+0mu A\mkern-1mu T\mkern+1mu I }}$}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document} EOF lualatex $TEX pdfcrop -margins 1 texput.pdf gaati.pdf mutool draw -r 900 -o texput0.ppm texput.pdf gm composite -compose Multiply -geometry +0+3 texput{0,0,1}.ppm gm composite -compose Multiply -geometry +3+0 texput{0,1,2}.ppm gm composite -compose Multiply -geometry -0-3 texput{0,2,3}.ppm gm composite -compose Multiply -geometry -3-0 texput{0,3,4}.ppm gm convert texput4.ppm -trim texput5.ppm potrace -b pdf texput5.ppm gs -o texput6.pdf -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sPAPERSIZE=a7 -dFIXEDMEDIA -dPDFFitPage texput5.pdf pdfcrop texput6.pdf texput7.pdf pdftocairo -pdf texput7.pdf gaati.pdf cp gaati.pdf ../gaati.pdf mutool draw -r 300 -o texput8.ppm gaati.pdf gm convert texput8.ppm -trim -transparent white texput9.png gm convert texput9.png -resize 500x500 gaati-500.png gm convert texput9.png -resize 250x250 gaati-250.png gm convert texput9.png -resize 125x125 gaati-125.png cp gaati-125.png ../gaati.png optipng -o7 ../gaati.png rm -f texput*